Effective utilization of personalized – targeted CPG-funded offers to achieve business goals while creating a win-win-win
(Retailer-CPG-Shopper) ecosystem.



A large US retailer used Sagarmatha’s personalization software to effectively manage its CPGs budgets in personalized campaigns, resulting in a win-win-win (Retailer-CPG-Shopper) ecosystem.

The need – managing CPGs budgets effectively in personalized targeted campaigns

What’s in it for the retailer?

Through effective utilization of personalized-targeted CPGs funded offers – a retailer can reduce their self-funded costs on their loyalty personalized campaigns, increase CPGs spend and provide their customers with highly relevant offers throughout the year. This results in higher retailer ROI, basket lift, store traffic, retention and loyalty.

Through effective CPGs budget management and optimization, our client, a large US retailer achieved the following results in 2022:

What’s in it for the CPG?

Effective utilization of personalized-targeted CPGs funded offers drives incremental sales and ROI. This is achieved through personal engagement with shoppers and a rise in penetration rate and basket size for the CPGs products.

Due to high shopper engagement and sales lift for our client, a leading US retailer, CPGs invested more budgets and provided richer and more versatile offers to shoppers.

These are the results for 2022:

What’s in it for the shopper?

Increase shopper satisfaction – this can be done by providing each shopper with a rich set of offers relevant to them in personalized campaigns and help them save money on their preferred brands and products.

Our client, a leading US retailer, in 2022, provided their loyalty members with savings and highly relevant offers.

How is this achieved?
Using Sagarmatha’s software solution

Annual budget management

  • Annual budget management
  • Offer pool management – determine and manage effective CPGs offer pool
  • Recommend multiple offers mechanisms to support different strategies per business KPIs

Ongoing budget management

  • CPGs budget allocation per campaign
  • Budget optimization based on strategy and business goals
  • Analytical tools backed by business recommendations


Using personalization software and data analysis in the proper way will result in a winning ecosystem. One in which every stakeholder wins.


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